
SPA and ABRAMUS propose creation of lusophone confederation of societies of authors and lusophony manifesto
SPA’s President, José Jorge Letria, and the leader of Abramus (Brazil), Roberto de Mello, had a work meeting in Lisbon in which they made a

SPA renews collaboration with WIPO, countries of Magrebe and Subsarian Africa
SPA Board member Paula Cunha participated as an invited trainer for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), United Nations agency, at the training seminar on

SPA launches mobile application for acess to its Membership Portal
SPA has just developed a mobile application (‘app’) that allows its members to access information on mobile devices available on the Members Portal. This portal

Scientist and Writer António Damásio will receive life and work prize during the SPA Gala in March in the CCB
Portuguese scientist António Damásio, Portuguese neurologist and neuroscientist who works exemplary in the study of the brain and emotions accepted to receive the Prize of

Understanding between SPA the Ministry of Culture on the law of Collective Management
SPA and the Ministry of Culture, meeting on the morning of the 20th, reached a convergence of views on the issues raised by the cooperative

SPA and WIPO defend in São Tomé the value of Lusophony
Paula Cunha, SPA Board member, participated as a guest speaker from WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), a United Nations Agency, at the WIPO sub-regional meeting

Web Summit: Global Platform of ideas and dreams to be fulfilled
José Jorge Letria Portugal has moved from the aftermath of the fires, with many dead to mourn and arduous accounts to make, to the superior

SPA begins urgent solidarity actions towards the populations affected by the fires
Aware of the seriousness of the damage caused by the fires of 15 October and following days to many hundreds of people and entire regions,

A National Memory and Culture Map
There are several ways to look at national maps and to realize the multiple realities that they hold within themselves. Maps must be the face

SPA and AHP sign new protocol
SPA – Portuguese Society of Authors and the AHP – Hotel Association of Portugal signed today, the 27th of September, the new protocol that regulates the

SPA attributes its honorary title to Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and António Guterres
SPA decided to assign to President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and UN Secretary-General António Guterres the title of honorary members of the cooperative as a

“MAP OF PORTUGUESE AUTHORS” will stimulate cultural life of SPA and Portuguese Municipalities
SPA is going to launch the “Map of Portuguese Authors” initiative, making it possible to identify the birthplace of some of our most important, already