
WIPO Director General receives SPA in Geneva and praises the Lusophone project

SPA was received in audience by Francis Gurry, Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Geneva-based United Nations agency. At this meeting, which took place in a climate of great sympathy and cordiality, subjects of various kinds were dealt with, from a geopolitical reflection on culture and copyright in the world to the […]

WIPO Director General receives SPA in Geneva and praises the Lusophone project Read More »

Authors of Portugal and Macau strengthen cooperation through SPA and its sister society MACA

The Portuguese Society of Authors and MACA (Macau Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers), the sister society of Macao with which SPA has reciprocal representation agreements for the members of both societies, reinforce a collaboration that, since it has always been serious and of mutual commitment, now sees crowned a successful and innovative project in

Authors of Portugal and Macau strengthen cooperation through SPA and its sister society MACA Read More »

SPA urges Portuguese Government to be firm and resolute in the negotiation with Google and Amazon

The Portuguese Society of Authors urges the government to be firm in the negotiations for the opening of Google and Amazon facilities in Portugal, namely at Lagoas Park and in Porto, respectively. The Minister for Culture already had a meeting with the US ambassador to Portugal about this. SPA believes that no economic imperatives can

SPA urges Portuguese Government to be firm and resolute in the negotiation with Google and Amazon Read More »

SPA and ABRAMUS propose creation of lusophone confederation of societies of authors and lusophony manifesto

SPA’s President, José Jorge Letria, and the leader of Abramus (Brazil), Roberto de Mello, had a work meeting in Lisbon in which they made a detailed analysis of the copyright situation in Europe and the Americas, as well as of the actions carried out by CISAC (headquartered in Paris) and GESAC (headquartered in Brussels), showing

SPA and ABRAMUS propose creation of lusophone confederation of societies of authors and lusophony manifesto Read More »

SPA renews collaboration with WIPO, countries of Magrebe and Subsarian Africa

SPA Board member Paula Cunha participated as an invited trainer for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), United Nations agency, at the training seminar on the management of copyright and related rights in the audiovisual sector for collecting societies of French expression, which took place on 9 and 10 January in El Jadida (Morocco). This

SPA renews collaboration with WIPO, countries of Magrebe and Subsarian Africa Read More »

Understanding between SPA the Ministry of Culture on the law of Collective Management

SPA and the Ministry of Culture, meeting on the morning of the 20th, reached a convergence of views on the issues raised by the cooperative on the new Law on Collective Management Entities and agreed to continue the work in the now consensual terms. With the clarification that has now been reached, based on a

Understanding between SPA the Ministry of Culture on the law of Collective Management Read More »

Scientist and Writer António Damásio will receive life and work prize during the SPA Gala in March in the CCB

Portuguese scientist António Damásio, Portuguese neurologist and neuroscientist who works exemplary in the study of the brain and emotions accepted to receive the Prize of Life and Work that SPA will assign to him in the CCB in Lisbon, on the next 20 of March, during the annual gala that there will take place. In

Scientist and Writer António Damásio will receive life and work prize during the SPA Gala in March in the CCB Read More »

SPA and WIPO defend in São Tomé the value of Lusophony

Paula Cunha, SPA Board member, participated as a guest speaker from WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), a United Nations Agency, at the WIPO sub-regional meeting for copyright authorities in Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa, which took place on November 30 and December 1 in São Tomé. WIPO stated that SPA’s role in Lusophone is unavoidable and

SPA and WIPO defend in São Tomé the value of Lusophony Read More »